Tnpsc Group 4 Geography Notes 7

  • Trade Means Buying, Selling or exchange Goods and Service.
  • Trade Two Type Namely 1. Internal Trade or National Trade 2. International Trade.
  • Salary the word come from Latin Word Salarium.
  • International Trade two type 1.Bilateral trade (Two Country)2.Multi-Lateral trade (Many Countries)
  • APEC Asian Pacific Economic Community
  • ASEANAssociation of South East Asian Nations
  • EEC - European Economic Community
  • GATTGeneral Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
  • SAPTA - South Asian Preferential Trade Agreement
  • WTO - World Trade Oraganisation
  • Trade Components Export(Goods and Service sold Foreign Country) Import (Goods and Service Bought from Overseas).
  • India Import nearly 6,000 Goods from 140 Countries.
  • Balance of Trade : Difference between Export and Import Value.
  • Favourable Balance of Trade : Country Export Value Higher than Import Value.(ex Japan)
  • Unfavourable Balance of Trade : Country Import Value Higher than Export Value.(ex India)
  • In India 2012-2013, Import Value 590.6 billion US Dollars, Export Value 464.2 billion US Dollars
  • Vishesh Krishi Upaj Yojna introduced export of Fruits, Vegitables,Flowers and Minor Forest Product.
  • GATT – 23 Countries Sign in 1947 at Geneva
23 Countries are
1.Australia 2. Belgium 3.Brazil 4. Burma
5.Canada 6.Ceylon 7.Chile 8.China
9. Cuba 10.Czechoslovakia 11.France 12. India
13.Lebanan 14.Luxembourg 15.Netherland 16.New Zealand
17.Norway 18. Pakistan 19.Southern Rhodesia 20.Syria
21.South Africa 22. United Kingdom 23.United States

  • GATT enforce from January 1st 1948, Until 31st December 1994.
  • GATT was replace by the World Trade Organisation(WTO) on 1st January 1995
  • WTO Head Quarters in Geneva, Switzerland.
  • 162 Members of WTO since 30th November 2015.

List of Regional Trades

Regional Trade
Head Quarter
Established Year
ASEAN Association of South East Asian Nations Jakarta, Indonesia August 1967
CIS Commonwealth of Independent States Minisk,Belarus 8th December 1991
EU European Union Brussels, Belgium EEC March -1957
EU-February 1992
LAIA Lation America Integration Association Montevideo, Uruguay 1960
NAFTA North American Free Trade Association
Mexico City(Mexico),
Ottawa (Canada),
Washington D.C(USA)
OPEC Organisations of Petrolium Exporting Countries
SAFTA South Asian Free Trade Agreement

6th January 2006

Romeltea Media
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