Civics - online test - 5 ( Local Self Government ) (6th SSC)

  1.  Who Introduced Local Self Government in India
    1.  Lord Minto
    2.  Lord Lytton
    3.  Lord Ripon
    4.  Lord Irwin

  2.  Panchayat Union, Town Panchayat, District Panchayat, Municipality, Corporation this system are called
    1.  State + Central Government
    2.  Central Government
    3.  State Government
    4.  Local Administration

  3.  Local Self Government was in existence ____ independence 
    1.  Before
    2.  After
    3.  Post 
    4.  None of the above

  4.  Village panchayat, President, Ward Member, Councillors elected by ____ directly through _____
    1.  Councillors, Ward Member
    2.  Ward Member, Councillors
    3.  Election, People
    4.  People, Election

  5.  In Village panchayat Vice President elected by 
    1.  People
    2.  Councillors
    3.  President
    4.  Ward Members

  6.  President, Vice President, Ward Members, Councillors tenure was
    1.  6 years
    2.  5 years
    3.  4 years
    4.  3 years

  7. In Village Panchayats Central and State Governments funds, Subsidiaries, and grants through
    1.  Municipal Rural Development Authority
    2.  Corporation Rural Development Authority
    3.  District Rural Development Authority
    4.  Block Rural Development Authority

  8.  Who is the member of Village Council
    1.  All people of the country
    2.  All people of the State
    3.  All people of the District
    4.  Reside within the limit panchayats 

  9.  Village Development programme, Annual budget plan implement get approved from
    1.  District Panchayat
    2.  Town Panchayat
    3.  Village Panchyat
    4.  Municipal

  10.  The Village councils Meets ____ times a year
    1.  Seven
    2.  Six
    3.  Five
    4.  Four

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