Tnpsc Group 4 History - Online Test for all Competitive exams - 6 ( Indus Valley Civilization 1 ) ( 6th SSH )

  1.  River Ravi is branch of _____
    1.  Cavery
    2.  Bramaputhra
    3.  Indus
    4.  Gangai

  2.  Which City was discover IndusValley Civilization name was change
    1.  Mohenjo-daro
    2.  Lothel
    3.  Kalibangan
    4.  Harappa

  3.  Harappan Civilization Flourished in India
    1.  4700 years ago
    2.  2000 years ago
    3.  3000 years ago
    4.  4000 years ago

  4.  Great Bath structure found in 
    1.  Near Forest
    2.  Near River
    3.  Open Place
    4.  Citadel

  5.  Great Bath filled with 
    1.  Ground water
    2.  Sea water
    3.  River Water
    4.  Wells water

  6.  Houses Build in ______ system
    1.  Narrow
    2.  Grid 
    3.  Irrugular
    4.  None of the above

  7. Great Bath was build ______   and lining _______
    1.  Stone, Bituman
    2.  Clay, Bituman
    3.  Kiln-fired bricks , Bituman
    4.  Bricks, Bituman

  8. Chanhu-daro, Kalibangan, Lothel and   Mohenjo-daro are 
    1.  Mohenjo-daro Civilization
    2.  Lothel Civilization
    3.  Kalibangan Civilization
    4.  Harappan  Civilization 

  9.  Harappa City now in 
    1.  Bhutan
    2.  Tibet
    3.  Pakistan
    4.  India

  10.  Harappa means
    1.  None of these
    2.  Mound of Dead
    3.  City
    4.  Buried City

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