Geography - online test for all competitive exams - 59 (The earth we live in )

  1.  ____ and ___ metals are found aboundance in the core
    1.  Gold and Silver
    2.  Iron
    3.  Nickel and Iron
    4.  Nickel

  2.  _____ are found in molten stage around the core
    1.  None of the below
    2.  Vitamins + Minerals 
    3.  Vitamins
    4.  Minerals

  3.  In Inner core of the earth temporature is_____celsious
    1.  6000 
    2.  5000
    3.  4000
    4.  3000

  4.  Core Surrounded by ____
    1.  None of the below
    2.  Mantle + Crust 
    3.  Crust
    4.  Mantle

  5.  _____ % of Earth's Minerals are found in Mantle
    1.  55
    2.  65
    3.  75
    4.  85

  6.  _____ layer consist rocks in Solid and Semi Solid State
    1.  Core
    2.  Mantle
    3.  Crust
    4.  None of the above

  7.  Earth's outer crust is a ____ layar
    1.  None of the below
    2.  Thin + Thick
    3.  Thin
    4.  Thick

  8.  Continent and Ocean are found in 
    1.  None of the below
    2.  Core
    3.  Mantle
    4.  Outer Crust

  9.   The  thickness of the Earth's crust below the ocean is
    1.  5 -7 Km
    2.  3 -5 Km 
    3.  5 - 10 Km
    4.  1 - 3 Km

  10.  The thickness of the Earth's crust below the Continent is
    1.  40 - 60 Km
    2.  20 - 40 Km
    3.  10 - 30 Km
    4.  30 -50 Km

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