Tnpsc Group 4 Physics Online Test 1

  1.  Unit of Length is 
    1.  Dozen
    2.  Litter
    3.  Metre
    4.  Kilogram

  2.  Unite of Time is
    1.  Litre
    2.  Metre
    3.  Kilogram
    4.  Minute

  3.  SI Unit means
    1.  System International Units
    2.  Simple Indian Unit
    3.  Special Indian Unit
    4.  Select Indian Unit

  4.  CGS System means
    1.  Centimetre, Gram, Special
    2.  Centum, Grow, Second
    3.  Centimetre, Grow, Second
    4.  Centimetre, Gram, Second

  5.  International System was apopted in 
    1.  1963
    2.  1962
    3.  1961
    4.  1960

  6.  Metre (m), Kilogram (kg) and Second (s)
    1.  International Special Units
    2.  International Standard Units
    3.  Indian Standard Units
    4.  Indian Special Units

  7.  FBS System means
    1.  Foot, Pount, Scale
    2.  Feet, Pount, Small
    3.  Foot, Pound, Second
    4.  Food, Pound, Second

  8.  MKS System means
    1.  Metre, Kilogram, System
    2.  Metro, Kilogram, Special
    3.  Metre, Kilogram, Special
    4.  Metre, Kilogram, Second

  9. Length, Mass and Time are
    1.  None of the below
    2.  Seconds
    3.  Fundamental Quantity
    4.  Instrument

  10.  Mass unit is ______
    1.  Dozen
    2.  Litre
    3.  Metre
    4.  Kilogram

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