Tnpsc Group 4 History - Online Test for all Competitive exams - 20 ( Rise of Kingdom 6 ) ( 6th SSH )

  1.  Third Buddhist council organise by 
    1.  None of the below
    2.  Brihadratha
    3.  Chandragupta Mauryar
    4.  Bimbisara

  2.  Mahendra and Sangamitra spread buddhism in _____
    1.  Japan
    2.  China
    3.  Tamil Nadu
    4.  Srilanka

  3.  Ashoka's stupus and pillars are oldest next to ______ civilization 
    1.  Indus Valley
    2.  City 
    3.  Mountain
    4.  River

  4.  The structure of Ashoka's pillar inverted lotus are ____ architecture 
    1.  Indo-Islamic
    2.  Dutch
    3.  French
    4.  Persian

  5.  Ashoka's caves, stone pillars and rocks most of  written in 
    1.  Tamil
    2.  Greek
    3.  Kharoshti
    4.  Prakrit

  6.  Ashoka's caves, stone pillars and rocks in north western India written in 
    1.  Tamil 
    2.  Prakrit
    3.  Kharoshti
    4.  Greek

  7.  Ashoka's caves, stone pillars and rocks in Afghanistan written in 
    1.  Kharoshti
    2.  Prakrit
    3.  Greek
    4.  Tamil

  8.  Mauryan adminstration was divided in ____ provinces
    1.  Two
    2.  Three
    3.  Four
    4.  Five 

  9.  Buddhism became a world religion by efforts of 
    1.  None of the below
    2.  Chandragupta Mauriyar
    3.  Ashoka
    4.  Bimbisara

  10.  Third Buddhist council held at 
    1.  Patna
    2.  Siravasthi
    3.  Rajgir
    4.  Pataliputhra

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