Tnpsc Group 4 History - Online Test for all Competitive exams - 2 ( Prehistoric Period 2 ) ( 6th SSH )

  1.  History divided into
    1. Pre-history and post-history
    2.  Post-history and History Period
    3.  Pre-history and Historical Period
    4.  None of these

  2.  Old Stone age and New Stone Age was divided by
    1.  New Stone
    2.  Old Stone 
    3.  None of these
    4.  Used tool in Early Man

  3.  Discover the fire by _____ Stone
    1.  Flint Stone
    2.  Ordinary Stone
    3.  Granite Stone
    4.  None of these

  4.   One Place to Another Place went for food
    1.  Chalcolithic Age
    2.  Neolithic Age
    3.  Iron Age
    4.  Palaeolithic  Age

  5.  Man was Scared  Lightning and Thunder, Worship them
    1.  Chalcolithic Age
    2.  Neolithic Age
    3.  Iron Age
    4.  Palaeolithic Age

  6.   Wear Dress made of Leave, Barks of Tree Skin of Animals
    1.  Iron Age
    2.  Palaeolithic Age
    3.  Neolithic Age
    4.  Chalcolithic Age

  7.  Weapons made of Bones and horns of animals, Branches of Trees and Stones
    1.  Chalcolithic Age
    2.  Iron Age
    3.  Palaeolithic Age
    4.  Neolithic Age

  8.  Beginning of the Earth 
    1.  1.6 Billion Year ago
    2.  2.6 Billion Years ago
    3.  3.6 Billion Years ago
    4.  4.6 Billion Years ago

  9.  Mans Appearance in
    1.  1,000 Years ago
    2.  2,000 Years ago
    3.  4, 000 Year ago
    4.  3, 000 Year ago

  10.  Agricultural Beginning in 
    1.  5,000 years ago
    2.  6,000 years ago
    3.  7,000 years ago
    4.  8,000 years ago

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