Tnpsc Group 4 Zoology - Online Test 7

  1.  Dead Plant Animals convert simple molecule is
    1.  None of the below
    2.  Endoparasites
    3.  Saprophytics
    4.  Ectoparasites

  2.   Nepenthes, Drosera and Utricularia are in _____ colour
    1.  Black Colour
    2.  Blue Colur
    3.  Red Colour
    4.  Green colur

  3.  Deer is a example of
    1.  Herbivorus
    2.  Omnivorus
    3.  Carnivorus 
    4.  None of the above

  4.  Nepenthes, Drosera and Utricularia found in
    1.  Potash deficient Soil
    2.  Manganese deficient Soil
    3.  Pasparus deficient Soil
    4.  Nitrogen deficient soil

  5.  Lion is a example of
    1.  None of the below
    2.  Herbivorus
    3.  Omnivorus
    4.  Carnivorus

  6.  Nepenthes, Drosera and Utricularia are
    1.  None of the below
    2.  Insectivoros 
    3.  Ectoparasite
    4.  Endoparasite

  7. Cockroach is a example of
    1.  Herbivours
    2.  Carnivorus
    3.  Omnivores
    4.  None of the above

  8.  Brinjal not rich in Ascorbic Acid
    1.  None of the below
    2.  Partially Right 
    3.  Right
    4.  Wrong

  9.  BMI means
    1.  Body Mass Intake
    2.  Ball Mass Index
    3.  Body Mass Index
    4.  None of the above

  10.  Nepenthes, Drosera and Utricularia are example of 
    1.  Herbivorus
    2.  Ectoparasites
    3.  Endoparasites
    4.  Autotrophic

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