Tnpsc Group 4 Geography - Mock Test for all Competitive Exams - 18 ( Roads in India 11-8-18) (10th SSG)

  1. Indian Road Networks is ____ Longest in the World
    1.  Fifth
    2.  Third
    3.  Second
    4.  Seventh

  2. SPWD Means
    1.  State Public Welfare Division
    2.  State Public Welfare Department
    3.  State Public Works Division
    4.  State Public Works Department

  3. Longest National Highway in India is
    1.  NH 7
    2.  NH 1
    3.  NH 5
    4.  NH 6

  4. CPWD Means
    1.  Central Public Welfare Department
    2.  Central Public Welfare Division
    3.  Central Public Works Division
    4.  Central Public Works Department

  5. Shortest National Highways in India is____
    1.  NH 2
    2.  NH7
    3.  NH 44
    4.  NH 47 A

  6. NH 7 How Many Kilo Meter
    1.  2639
    2.  2369
    3.  2936
    4.  2396

  7. World First Longest National Highway is
    1.  NH 47 A
    2.  NH 7 
    3.  Pan American
    4.  Highway 1

  8.  NHAI Means
    1.  National Highways Administration of India
    2.  National Highways Auditor of India
    3.  National Highways Autonomous of India
    4.  National Highways Authority of India

  9.  NHAI Operation from 
    1.  February 1997
    2.  February 1996
    3.  February 1995
    4.  February 1998

  10. BRO Means
    1.  Border Rail Organisation
    2.  Border Road Openion
    3.  Border Road Option
    4.  Border Road Organisation

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